If you pay by payment card, just fill in your vehicle details, select the type of vignette, choose the start date, and pay. You will receive a confirmation of payment via email or physically at the point of sale (where you can also pay cash) and you are ready to hit the road.
If you choose to pay by bank transfer, you can only use the toll motorway sections after you have received confirmation of payment, which can take several days to process.
The vignette is non-transferable between motor vehicles, so if the vehicle is sold, the vignette will remain valid for the vehicle for which it was purchased.
The vignette is non-transferable between motor vehicles.
The start and end of the vignette’s validity can be found on the receipt.
If you purchase a vignette with immediate validity, the date and time of payment determine the start of its validity.
If you take advantage of the option to postpone the start of the vignette (you can buy up to 30 days in advance), the vignette starts at midnight on the day you choose.
The vignette is valid always until 11:59:59 p.m. on the indicated day.
Yes, when you buy a vignette, you can set its validity start. You can buy all vignette variants at any time of the year, with validity starting on the selected date. For example, if you buy an annual vignette on 22 November 2023 with immediate effect, it will be valid until 21 November 2024, 11:59:59 p.m.
You can postpone the start of validity of all types of vignette for up to 30 days when you buy them.
You can easily check the validity of your vignette online using the form Validation, where you will select the country of registration and the licence plate number of your vehicle.
Alternatively, if you provide your contact details when purchasing a vignette and tick the box to receive a notification about the approaching end of validity, we will send you an e-mail or text message notification in advance.
The e‑shop is available in multiple languages, as are self-service kiosks. At the physical points of sale, a staff member will help you to purchase a vignette
The Eco Price applies to vehicles powered by natural gas or biomethane (even in combination with other fuels) and for plug-in hybrids with CO2 emissions of up to 50 g/km. For more information visit here.
Vehicles powered by LPG do not not qualify for any price advantage when using a toll motorway in the Czech Republic.
In the case of a change of the licence plate number of a vehicle registered in the Czech Republic, it is not necessary to submit a Notification of a Change in the Licence Plate Number if information on the original and new licence plate is available in the Register of Motor Vehicles. In this case, the change will be made automatically. After the licence plate change is automatically made, a confirmation is sent to the confirmation e-mail if one was provided when the order was placed. You can also verify the change of your licence plate number here.
If the necessary information for an automatic licence plate change is not available in the Register of Motor Vehicles, you must notify us of the change. More information can be found in the Change of Licence Plate Number section.
If you need to use the toll motorway with a vehicle with a an assigned licence plate number, we recommend that you purchase a short-term vignette.
It is also possible to buy vignettes in bulk with the possibility of uploading a set of up to 200 vehicles at a time (can be copied from files such as XLS, TXT), where the number of sets is not limited. There is only an upper limit of 10,000 vehicles in a single bulk payment. You can set different validity dates, types of vignettes or fuel types via individual sets. Payment can be made by credit card or bank transfer. After payment, you will receive a link in one e-mail to download a compressed (ZIP) file containing individual receipts for the specified vehicles, which serves as a basis for accounting and tax records. The download link is valid for 5 days.
We issue a receipt for the purchase of the vignette in accordance with the legislation in force. A vignette is a fee, not a good or service, and for this reason we do not issue an invoice. The payment confirmation contains all necessary details, from which the accounting case can be clearly identified, and is a legitimate document for accounting and tax records. For instance, you can attach the payment confirmation to the bank statement on which the non-cash payment of the vignette is recorded, and based on both of these documents you will record the payment for the vignette in your accounting or tax records.
No. A vignette is a fee, not a good or service, and therefore is not subject to VAT.
Yes, a valid vignette is also required for a transfer plate (special plates used by garages, car importers, or car dealers instead of a regular license plate number). A transfer plate can be transferred from a vehicle to a vehicle that has not yet been registered and does not have its own license plate number. In such a case, there is no violation of the law and the vignette is still valid. Eligibility to the Eco price is proven during the on-site roadside inspection.
We automatically check the status of transactions made by credit card on an ongoing basis. If the payment was successful, i.e., the money has actually been charged to your card, just wait a few minutes and you will receive confirmation of the payment to the e-mail address you entered. If more than 30 minutes have passed since the order was placed and you still do not see your vignette as valid in the Validation section, the order has been cancelled and the payment will be refunded to your account.
If you hold a ZTP or ZTP/P disability card issued in the Czech Republic, the vehicle transporting you is automatically exempt provided that you are the operator of the vehicle or that the operator of the vehicle is a person close to you within the meaning of the applicable legislation (see Section 22 of Act No.89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code). It is therefore not necessary to file an Exemption notice, but the condition is that the licence holder must be being transported in the vehicle when using the toll section of motorway.
Cash payments are currently accepted at all branches of the Czech Post and EuroOil petrol stations where vignettes are sold. Only card payments are accepted at self-service kiosks.
If your vignette has not yet been validated and you know the vignette authorisation code that appears on your receipt, log in to Vignette Management. You can change the licence plate number or the state of registration of the vehicle there. The change is irreversible and can only be made once.
If the vignette has already entered into validity and you know the vignette authorisation code that appears on the receipt, log in to Vignette Management. You can correct up to 2 characters in the wrong licence plate number or correct the state of registration of the vehicle there. The change is irreversible and can only be made once. If you use this option, your request for a refund for the purchase of any vignette will no longer be granted, see Terms and Conditions for more information.
If you have purchased a vignette with immediate validity at a point of sale, you have 15 minutes from the time of purchase to correct the incorrect information at the point of sale (you must provide a receipt).
Special number plates beginning with the letters ‘EL’, as of 1 March 2024, will not be automatically granted exemption from the purchase of a vignette. The decisive factor is the value of the CO2 emissions that the vehicle produces. If the emission value is zero, i.e., the vehicle has no combustion engine, you are entitled to an exemption. Vehicles with CO2 emissions of 50 g/km or less are eligible for the Eco Price.
The emission values are specified in your vehicle’s documents.
The start and end of the vignette’s validity can be found on the receipt. If you buy a vignette with immediate validity, the start of its validity is determined by the date and time of payment, the end of validity is at midnight of the same day, i.e., at 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds.
If you use the option to postpone the start of validity of the vignette (you can buy it up to 30 days in advance), the vignette starts at midnight on the selected day, and the end of validity of the one-day vignette is always at 23:59 minutes 59 seconds on that day.
The electronic vignette system is connected to the Register of Motor Vehicles, from which the fuel type of a vehicle registered in the Czech Republic is automatically retrieved.
In the event of incorrect or incomplete data in the Register of Motor Vehicles, where the wrong type of vignette has been purchased for a vehicle registered in the Czech Republic on the basis of this data, you can change the data at any municipal office of the municipality with extended jurisdiction. For more information please see here.
If the incorrect or incomplete information results in the purchase of the wrong type of vignette for a vehicle registered in the Czech Republic, you can request a refund by filling in the following Application for electronic vignette refund. More information can be found in the Electronic vignette refunds section.
If you have not found an answer to your question, please send us an e-mail at info@edalnice.cz.